Foods with claims that they burn fat make it sound like you can eat whatever you want because when you eat these foods, they will burn the fat. This is not necessarily the case. There are foods that boost your metabolism and help balance your calorie intake, and both of these can assist with weight loss, but we all know the key to keeping weight off is to burn more calories than you take in. It’s not all that hard if you eat foods that keep you feeling full. Following are some foods that can help speed your metabolism, keep you feeling full and give you more energy.
Quinoa and brown rice. It is recommended that you have these whole grains as part of your diet because they are high in both fiber and protein. That combination will help keep you fuller, longer. They are a great addition to any meal or a base for salad.
High protein promotes and repairs muscle growth. Protein is the building block for your muscle and is the fuel that burns fat. Your body burns more calories to process protein than it does to process carbs and fats. Try lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, salmon or lean beef.
Cinnamon. Studies show that cinnamon mimics the activity of insulin, changing how carbohydrates and sugar are metabolized. When cinnamon is in your system your metabolism speeds up because it takes extra energy to metabolize, which allows you to burn more calories.
Fresh ginger root is packed with beneficial nutrients. Ginger may help lower inflammation and cholesterol, improve digestion, provide general relaxation, and ginger burns fat.
Kale is a superfood! It is low in calories and packed with vitamins and minerals. Kale contains manganese, which is essential for processing food into energy for your cells. It is also rich in protein and is full of antioxidants.
Cucumbers are significant to weight loss because of their high water and low-calorie contents. Simple!
Beans are an important weight loss food. Beans keep you feeling full for hours due to their high content of insoluble fiber. “Insoluble fiber expands in your belly and GI tract when combined with any liquids. You may feel bloated, but this helps keep you regulated.
While Ezekiel is a brand name, any sprouted grain bread will serve the purpose of keeping you full for a longer period of time, as it’s naturally dense in nutrients, and also high in fiber. Start your day with peanut butter on this delicious bread and it will help maintain your digestive tract.
You don’t have to cut out foods to lose weight. Even pasta can be part of your diet. Try whole wheat pasta, which will provide your carb fix, while fueling your brain and muscles. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the brain and muscles. Having the right carbs stored in your muscles is essential to keep you energized in between meals and during exercise.
Apples are a great source of pectin, a filling fiber. The crunch when eating an apple appeals to psychological satisfaction. Studies associated the consumption of whole apples or apple juice over a 4 to 12-week period showed weight loss in people who are overweight. Forget the crackers and cheese, try apples and cheese.
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat. The good fat.This is a great food to eat when you are trying to lose weight because it helps increase satiety until your next meal. Half of an avocado offers 6 grams of fiber, and more potassium per gram than bananas.
Spinach is packed with vitamin B and is fiber-friendly. This leafy green is a wonderful food to incorporate into your meals. Spinach has a high water content, like cucumbers, which makes it lower in overall calories, and is full of nutrients.
Bananas! A banana, only has 120 calories, but 3 grams of fiber, and is a filling snack—especially when you add peanut butter. They also provide a good source of potassium and magnesium.
Greek yogurt is higher in protein and naturally lower in sugar than other yogurts, especially when consumed plain. It is also a great source of protein, which helps balance the carbohydrates it provides.
Oatmeal not only provides soluble fiber, but has higher protein content than most other grains. Having oatmeal in the morning will keep you full for three to four hours. Consider topping with chopped almonds for more protein, and blueberries for added fiber.
Chocolate! Chocolate will help keep you on track because it will help control your urge to binge eat. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants! It’s the quantity you have to watch, but yes, even chocolate can a be part of your healthy diet.
Keep in mind, even these foods if eaten in excess can cause weight gain. Again, the key is to burn more calories than you take in.
Susan Gazerro