Things change. Growing up, we were told that the yoke of an egg causes cholesterol, as did salt. We were also told that alcohol and coffee were bad for us. Well, it turns out that with all the research available today, foods that were considered to be unhealthy, may not be so harmful, after all.
We were told that eggs were loaded with fat, and would send one’s cholesterol through the roof. However, the current data shows that an egg is actually a powerhouse of nutrition. And while consuming egg yolks may indeed result in a slight increase in cholesterol levels, eggs are also loaded with nutrients, including riboflavin, folate, as well as vitamins D and B12, all of which can lower the risk of heart disease.
For years, doctors have been telling us that salt causes high blood pressure. I have always said that salt is a healer. I truly believed this and still do. They scared us into thinking that if we had salt in our diets, we could have a stroke and/or coronary heart disease. Again, the latest research is showing that sodium is necessary for preventing dehydration, allowing proper transmission of nerve impulses, and to keep our cells functioning normally. For people who work out all the time, they need to be hydrated, and also need electrolytes. Research has also shown that salt may also be responsible for reducing stress, and can even help with depression. Salt is also an external healer. If you have a wound and go into salt water, you’ll notice how the wound heals quickly and naturally.
Not many years ago, avocados were believed to be too fatty, but we now know it’s “good” fat, fat the body needs. Studies have found that avocados are not only loaded with vitamins and minerals, but they also lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol. Avocados also assist with anti-inflammatory properties, and they improve vascular health.
We all know and agree that drinking too much alcohol has its risks. However, moderate drinking has been found to present health benefits. One study found that people who have at least one alcoholic beverage per week, were less likely to have cognitive issues later in life. Also, for wine drinkers there’s good news; red wine is loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant linked to increasing levels of good HDL cholesterol, which helps with the aging process.
Love for chocolate is something most of us have, but are convinced that it is unhealthy to consume. Today, we now know that dark chocolate, specifically, has a wealth of health benefits. One benefit is those who eat dark chocolate actually have lower body-mass indexes than those who don’t.
Another product we were told was bad because of its high saturated fat content is coconut oil. Today, we can’t read enough about coconut oil and all its health benefits. Yes, too much saturated fat is unhealthy, but when it comes to coconut oil, research has found that it has the ability to boost HDL cholesterol, and that it also contains antioxidants. Coconut oil has another benefit, as it can act as a substitute for body lotion. It is so good for your skin!
Most of us need our coffee. There was a time when coffee was deemed bad, as it was seen as an addictive stimulant, responsible for various health issues. Well, today research has found that drinking coffee doesn’t increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It may actually lower rates of type-2 diabetes, could possibly reduce the risk for certain cancers, and even improve memory, mood, and energy levels. In 2016, the federal government updated dietary guidelines. They changed it to read that drinking between three to five cups of coffee per day is now seen as being harmless.
We were also told that whole milk is too fatty. Drink skim milk or two percent. Now, we know that those who consume full-fat dairy are no more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes, than those who only consume low-fat dairy. It has actually been proven that those who drink whole milk, eat real butter and other dairy products, had less obesity rates than those who avoided dairy altogether.
Peanut butter and nuts. We’ve always been told that peanut butter is too fatty and too high in calories. The truth is that nuts are like avocados. They contain the healthy fat our body needs. As far as peanut butter, studies show that regularly consuming peanut butter can lower the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Red meat has been considered to be unhealthy, as we were told it was responsible for all types of health problems. However, it has now been proven that there is no correlation between red meat consumption and a shorter lifespan, but the key is how much meat one eats. In moderation, red meat can actually be very good for one’s health. Besides being rich in iron, red meat has many vitamins, minerals, and protein.
“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”
This is an investment in your health!