Summer is always the perfect time to try something new. Tired of going to the gym and being in the same routine every day? Here, in the Northeast, summer allows us only a limited time to be outdoors, so maybe trying something you have never contemplated trying before, will be a great idea that leads to improving your health and well-being.
Many sporting options have beginner or training lessons, so there is no reason you can’t try one or all of them. Do not let age, weight, or athletic ability stop you from trying something new.
We need to keep moving our bodies, if we want to be healthy. Summer in our area of the country allows us to be outside frequently, so even if it means going for a walk, do it! Everyone always feels better after they do some form of exercise.
Following are sport activities you can try for change and fun. The best thing is that you will not only be benefiting your body while exercising, you will also have the ability to meet different people and become more social, and that is just as healthy for everyone’s overall being.
- Let’s start with the game of golf. Although golf is not the easiest game to pick up, you don’t have to be a star athlete to play, and it will keep you busy for a few hours at each session. Borrow or rent a couple of clubs and start at the range. Get out there and hit some balls. Once you go out on the course, you can get some extra exercise by walking the course, instead of taking a cart.
- Two other sports you can try are tennis or the new craze, pickleball. Both of these activities will provide a great workout. Pickleball can be played closer to the net, and it uses a softer ball, so it doesn’t have to be hit as hard as a tennis ball, and both sports will keep you moving.
- Volleyball is another fun, outdoor sport. You can play this on the grass, or maybe try beach volleyball with some friends.
- If you love water, grab some paddles, and go canoeing.This is a great upper body workout. If you just want to be in a pool, swimming laps is a great idea. Depending on the level of your athletic ability and age, you may also be able to swim laps by grabbing a pool noodle and kicking your feet and legs while holding on to it. (This is a really good lower body and cardio workout.)
- One sport that doesn’t require equipment or much athletic ability is hiking. A beginner can be a hiker, or someone very advanced can be a hiker. Your level of expertise will determine the type of trail you choose. You can hike a couple miles, or flat trail walk while enjoying nature, or maybe your preference is mountain hiking, which requires some extra gear, as well as a bit of extra stamina.
- There are also those more traditional sports such as baseball, softball, basketball, street hockey, etc. If you haven’t played any of these, maybe you would enjoy grabbing some friends to participate with you.
- Frisbee has also become quite popular. What used to be referred to as the Ultimate Disc League is now called the Ultimate Frisbee League. (These leagues usually run April thru July.)
- Any type of a cardio workout will also work to keep your heart healthy.
- I have spoken to a lot of people who have started playing pickleball. What I keep hearing is that pickleball is acknowledged as a community sport. This is one sport where everyone feels welcome. You can take a few lessons, learn the game and the rules, then drop in any pickleball facility. People welcome people, and there is no intimidation with this sport.
It’s important to reiterate that since summer allows us to be outdoors with the warmer weather for only a limited period of time, we should take advantage and make it a point to consistently try something that will keep us active.
In almost all my articles I express the importance of moving. The human body was not meant to be idle. To keep the inside organs healthy, we must move. This, along with a healthy diet, are what keep our organs functional.
This social aspect and human communication are just as important for our well-being, as is physical exercise.
If you are physically limited in what you can do, have a friend take you to watch and keep score. At least get outside and participate in the social side of sports to help with your mental health.
No excuses. No intimidation. Summer is short. Make the most of it, and I promise you, your mind and body will be much happier, and better for it.
“Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body. Nature always seems to try to talk to us as if she had some great secret to tell, and she does.”
“In the spring & summer, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”