Here we are again, approaching summer. We all wait for the longer days and the warmer weather. People love this time of year because they can put away the long sleeves, gloves, hats and winter coats. It’s time for tank tops, shorts, sunglasses, and bathing suits. Fitness fanatics, especially, love this time of year, not only for the reasons mentioned above, but they also look forward to not having to be in the gym every day. They can do their workouts outdoors in the warmth of the sun.
Exercise becomes important to a lot of people this time of year because putting on a bathing suit can be challenging for many. You probably think more about your body now than any other time of the year, except when you made that New Year’s resolution. This feeling of wanting to be fit and look good can be very overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. It all begins in the mind. When you have a strong mind, you can accomplish and overcome anything. You must also find a way to be at peace with yourself. Learn to accept who you are, the way you are, and be confident. Think more about how your body feels, rather than how it fits into a predetermined, standard bathing suit. We all want to go to the gym to work on our physique, but it is much more important that you put your effort into activities that will help you move better, stay healthy, and feel strong. Once you have confidence, you don’t stress about the way you look. Your confidence becomes your beauty. Workouts should also be fun. They shouldn’t feel like a chore. You should want to exercise. Once you have your mind set that you want to workout and feel good, my advice is to find something you love. Find a hobby or activity that keeps you moving, that you enjoy. Working out doesn’t have to be at a gym. Any type of movement is exercise. The problem is that, we as a country, have been so spoiled with everything being at our fingertips, we don’t have to move as much. Even the grocery stores deliver to our homes. At least when you went to the market, you had to walk the aisles. You had to carry the shopping bags from the car to the house. That may seem small, but all the small steps and carrying things add up. We no longer have to make any effort to do anything. It is all done for us. Although some consider this new way of life a convenience, the truth is, this convenience is not doing any of us any good. It can be hurtful to us, both physically and mentally.
Getting back to summer fitness, my point of all this is that you don’t need to stress about how you look in that bathing suit. Focus on feeling and being the best you! I repeat, don’t have some predetermined standard. Just make it a point to move your body more. Make it a point to drink more water and eat more protein. If you don’t stress about it, but just make small changes it will work. Think about how overthinking never works, but when you don’t overthink, things seem to fall in place. Well, I believe the same analogy is true when it comes to losing weight or wanting to become more fit. Yes, you need to have a certain level of dedication, but you don’t need to be obsessed. You need to relax, appreciate your body, and just make small changes that you can make part of your everyday routine.
Here are some helpful hints to start moving. If you like to golf, carry your golf bag and walk the course. If you are at the mall, make it a point to walk the whole floor, every floor. When looking for a parking spot, purposely park far enough away, so you have to walk to the entrance. Again, these are forms of exercise. You are walking and moving. However, if you want to get into a more serious workout routine, I suggest working on your core first. A strong core makes all other body parts easier to exercise. Having a strong core is not just about having a flat stomach. It’s about protecting your spine, strengthening your lower back, and making yourself stronger, all-around.
Remember, exercise is not just about how you look, it’s more about being healthy. The outward appearance is a fringe benefit. We are all built differently, so embrace how you look and exercise for the health of it. and you will inevitably see a physical difference. Happy spring. Happy summer.
“Wholesome exercise in free air, under the wide sky, is the best medicine.”